NEW! IFM Allied Organizational Membership through FMPhA As part of FMPhA’s new IFM partnership, IFM Membership is now available as an add-on, as well as the following benefits and inclusions from IFM: IFM Program Discounts: • $100 off IFM Individual Membership (includes access to NatMedPro + hundreds of educational resources) • 15% off Applying Functional…

To access, login or purchase the IFM Membership Add-On NEW! IFM Organizational Membership through FMPhA As part of FMPhA’s new IFM partnership, IFM Membership is now available as an add-on, as well as the following benefits and inclusions from IFM:
  • Clinical Resources:
    • IFM Toolkit curated specifically for FMPhA
  • IFM Program Discounts:
    • 20% off Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP)
    • 20% off Advanced Practice Modules (APMs)
    • 10% off IFM’s Annual International Conference (AIC)
    • 10% off Therapeutic Food Plans (TFP) and TFP+PES
      • PES pricing is contingent on the number of practitioners in a practice.
  • Find A Practitioner listing upon completion of AFMCP